The most crucial mastering requirement which can't be bought is Experience and Healthy Ears! More about us
Mastering Equipment are different from the ones used in the recording studio.
One set of professional Midfield Monitors to snap every single detail down from 25 HZ!
We opted for the famous PMC powered by Bryston amp.
We are fan of Analog Mastering Equipment and Recall Sheets! Brands like Thermionic Culture, Ear Yoshino, SPL, Mytek, vovox, Sequoia, and many others unrevealed custom-designed!
CraftLabMastering's room was designed specifically for Mastering, with an inclined ceiling and treated with the highest international standards for mastering to ensure a precise and flat monitoring environment. 21dB handled this perfectly.
All your Mastering equipment can be useless after a CD-A the burning process. Digital media are subject to data dropouts and burning errors.
Our special measurement tools with Plextor, test the disc surface to verify minimal C1 errors (BLER) and zero C2 or CU.
Alternatively, CraftLabMastering highly recommends DDPi Format, which can be sent online or burnt as Data CD.